
Firstly, the most important aspect required is the willingness to learn. As it is said to ' To fill your cup with tea, it should be empty first' be patient enough to go through each and every point.

The next thing is that you should know about the photshop, workspace and the photoshop toolbar.
It is not necessary to know their functions.You just need to know what is there in them as I'll be clearly mentioning the properties of the tools through my tutorials

File>New. This sets the workspace of the document where you wish to work upon. You can set your desired workspace in the window shown above.

This is the main part of the photoshop. The tools shown in these are the basics that one should atleast have heard of. Some wonders can be created just by using these tools in a right manner.
From the top to bottom:
1: Move tool : Mainly used to move a layer 
2: (i) Rectangular marquee tool: to select / to transform /to fill/to stroke a rectangular area
    (ii) Eleptical marquee tool:  to select / to transform /to fill/to stroke an eleptical or a circular area
3 (i) Magic Wand : automatically selects the similar levels in the image.
   (ii) Quick selection: selects the similar levels as you drag the cursor.
4 Crop: Crops the desired part of the image
5 Slice tool : to slice off a particular area
6 Spot heal : to repair the parts of an image
7 Brush tool : comes in different sizes and patterns to stroke.
8 Clone stamp : to clone. (9, 12,13,14,16,17,19,20 will be gradually explained with examples in the upcoming tutorials)
10 Eraser: To erase
11(i) Fill : to fill an area with a color
   (ii) Gradient : more likely to shade an area with two or more colors
15 Text : To print some text and lines.
18 Eyedropper : to select the exact color from an area
21 Foreground and background colors
22 Quick Mask
 Even the details of the layers,channels,paths will be explained in the upcoming tutorials.

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